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Mission Statement:

Give Them A Chance

To pursue an avenue that simply ensures every facility running organized youth athletic events have AEDs available, universally labeled and maintained.


To have a designated, qualified individual responsible for the AED on sight during all planned events. This is a reasonable goal and one that is guaranteed to save lives.

Just One More Game!

The Wes Leonard Heart Foundation:

Our mission is to honor Wes’s life using a team approach, combining the efforts of his loved ones and other existing foundations in the pursuit of a common goal. The Wes Leonard Heart Team is committed to honoring the children who have lost their lives to Sudden Cardiac Arrest and preventing other families and friends from feeling the pain of losing their loved ones. With this team approach we feel we can give others a chance at “just one more game”.

Our Goals:

Lobby for legislation to mandate:

  • All public and private schools have an adequate amount of Automated Electronic Defibrillators on site and are properly maintained.
  • All school staff members including coaches and coaches assistants to be CPR and first aid certified and stay current within American Heart Association and American Red Cross standards.
  • All schools have a comprehensive Emergency Action Plan that includes treating athletes, students, faculty and spectators on any school grounds during scheduled functions.
  • All schools participate in regular drills to ensure proper procedures are carried out in emergency situations.
  • All schools be required to use a comprehensive standard physical form to be filled out by qualified physicians and parents.

Raise money for research to:

  • To help in the pursuit of a widely accepted cardiology screening that is reliable and accurate.
  • To help fund research of a process or technology to advance the screening capabilities.
  • To fund research in the field of cardiology to help reduce the number of lives lost every year to Sudden Cardiac Arrest, the biggest killer in the U.S.
